Seeing how my shoulders and neck have been fugged up for over a year now and no amount of gua sha (my magic cure for everything) seems to provide relief beyond a few days, I decided to try meditoxin injection to the trapezius area while visiting Seoul. I’m literally so tired from (and of) constantly having achy shoulders and super stiff neck, especially exacerbated whenever I sit in front of the computer for too long. I have cut down on working on my desktop for prolonged stretches of time, I have avoided as much as I could bringing my camera gear out because of the weight, and I have even switched the pillows I sleep with, because there’d be days when my upper back would hurt so badly I couldn’t sleep well at night. I don’t know if this has anything to do with the slight scoliosis which I discovered not long ago I have, or simply this is a case of bad smartphone posture , either way it’s extremely uncomfortable and beginning to feel debilitating. My...