Hello everyone, this is Renewme Skin Clinic. ​There are a lot of people suffering from Tinea pedis, aren ’ t they? Also, it takes longer time than we think to treat Tinea pedis. Even taking oral medication, it takes at least 6 months to more than 1 year to treat Tinea pedis. Therefore, there are many patients giving up in the middle of the treatment. Pinpointe laser is developed as a treatment for Tinea pedis and has been recognized by the FDA. Nowadays, Tinea pedis can be treated without taking oral medication. Our clinic has purchased PinPointe laser about 3-4 years ago and has ample experience in using it.​ The Lunula laser is introduced to the clinic last year and we started to combine two treatments to maximize the effects in treating Tinea pedis. ​ ​Although PinPointe is to be said as treatment with nearly no pain, Lunula laser has the advantage of absolutely no pain during the treatment. By combining PinPointe and Lunula l...